Russelliana: Exploring the Science of War and Peace with Jane Addams and Bertrand Russell

Please join us for a free Zoom event (register here for the link), sponsored by the Bertrand Russell Society/Bertrand Russell Research Centre:

Saturday, April 15, 1PM  Eastern Time (Please adjust for your local time zone)

Exploring the Science of War and Peace with Bertrand Russell and Jane Addams

A Discussion with:

  • Marilyn Fischer, Professor Emerita of Philosophy, University of Dayton, and the Jane [Addams] Collective
  • Barb Lowe, the Jane [Addams] Collective
  • Andy Bone, Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster University

Russell and Addams were both appalled by the First World War and encountered public opprobrium and worse for their anti-war stands. In her article in the latest issue of Russell, Fischer has demonstrated how Russell and Addams both used the era’s scientific theories in formulating their pacifism and accounting for civilization’s “descent into barbarism”. But there were significant differences in their critiques of war, especially as regards what counts as progress in civilization. The discussion between the three guest speakers will further examine the scientific theories and political thought and actions of two figures of huge importance to the history of the American, British and international peace movements.

Topic: Russelliana: Jane Addams and Russell on World War I

Time: Apr 15, 2023 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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